
Don't tell me to stop
Tell the rain not to drop
Tell the wind not to blow
'Cause you said so, mmm.

Tell the sun not to shine
Not to get up this time, no, no
Let it fall by the way
But don't leave me where I lay down

Yes B**ch!

Okey, The most important week ever has already finished , and yes ladies and gentlemans Im talking about THE FASHION WEEK

So we're leaving for the weekend

                        I just had an amazingg weekend in Punta and Jose ignacio , omg punta it's so cool during january,all the parties a lot of great stuff there. And jose ignacio was to hang out with no stress , amazing beachesss

Encontrando fotos! Vacationssss

Entre La Piña Colada y muchas latas de cerveza  se llega a tal FELICIDAD !

Another NIGHT!

Ocho de la Mañana y seguimos Cantando !

La paciencia de las personas es como un vaso al que se le llena un liquido.Si se desborda, algo va andar mal o sino Alguien tiene que ceder

And , That's ME

Mi cancion de todos los veranos!


 Cheers to No Stress
Cheers to Chill out
Cheers to Fun
Cheers to Drinks ;)
Cheers to Parties

Cheers to Summer!

Nothing left to say ..

Uy Llege!

Temporalmente no tengo fotos de las super e hiper vacaciones que tuve .Pero pronto voy a tenerlas :D